Tuesday, July 29, 2008



5:7-20                                               Lesson # 9



I.    Greetings:


II.   Introduction:

            Note:  Most girls grow up dreaming of having a perfectly beautiful wedding day.  Sometimes that day really is beautiful, but let me ask

you a question....

            Q  Does a wedding plan itself?  How much planning must go into it?

               An = It usually takes months of planning and preparation by the future bride, her mother, sisters, close friends and often dad who must

pay for much of it.

            Q  Does it take a lot of planning to pull off a fine meal?

               An = Yes it does. And do we not encourage our children to prepare for their future careers by years of hard work and study.  Have you

ever thought that our careers are going to last for 50 years if that, but if there is an afterlife, then that will last 5000 X 50 years and more.  It is

interesting that we Christians will put more time getting ready for a brief "few decades long career" but spend little or no time getting ready for all


            Note:  In Revelations 19:7-8 John tells us that the Christian church is like a bride getting ready for a feast.  She is to be prepared says

John, she is to be dressed appropriately, let's read what that preparation entails:

>>>> Have someone read Revelation 19:8.

            Q How is one ready for the wedding feast of the Lamb?

               An = We as believers, as the church, are to be prepared with fine linen that is bright and clean.  The linen mentioned in Revelation

stands for the righteous acts of the saints.  

            RQ  Would it not be just horrible to be invited to a great gala event that required being dressed in the finest clothes, but you could not go

because everything you owned was dirty?

               An = James wants us ready for that great feast to end all feasts,  James wants us ready to meet God in our finest attire.  James wants

us ready for the Second Coming of Jesus.  James wants us to know that it is not easy to be ready, and so he gives us some hints.  Remember, James sees

us as part of his family, and he wants us to be blessed, not only now but for all eternity.  James is now in eternity, and he wants us to join him there in

joy, not in judgment.  Let's see what he advises us.  He may surprise you, he may not tell you what you expect him to say.


III.  Getting Ready:  Patience in Suffering.  James 5:7-12.

>>>> Have someone read James 5:7-8.

            Q  What does James 5:7-8 tell us to do to prepare?

               An = James tells us that good farmers have to be patient for the good crop to come and we have to be patient as well.  Be strong and

stand firm says James for the Lord's coming is indeed near.  

            Note:  Now that is the general instruction, but what does it mean to "stand firm" or to "be patient"?  What specific things should we be

about?  Let's see how we can acquire, with patience, those needed "linen garments" for the upcoming great "gala event".

>>>> Have someone read James 5:9.

            Q  What is one way we get ready for the Second Coming?

               An = Do not grumble against each other.  You would think James would say we should make a religious commitment, do some type of

ritual, or believe some type of truths, but instead he says do not grumble against fellow Christians.  The final phrase of verse 9 implies that Christians

who complain about others and criticize fellow believers need to realize that Almighty God is the Judge of all.  God has not given that task to us.

            RQ  Are some Christians going to be wearing "dirty linens" according to James 5:9?

>>>> Have someone read James 5:10-11.

            Q How are we to be ready according to these verses?

               An = James give us two examples of how we are to be patient in our suffering.  The first is the suffering or the persecution that comes

our way if we are loyal to Christ.  If we speak up for our faith, for our Lord, or if we speak the truths that God gives us, we are like the prophets who

spoke in the Name of the Lord.  The second is the loss of physical health, financial position and spiritual reputation that was suffered by Job and yet he

did not give up on his faith.  He persevered.  

            Many of us have ancestors who lost their lives because they would not deny Christ, but how many of us will stand up for Christ here in

America?  Are we willing to lose money, our health, or our reputation and bear it patiently because of our loyalty to God?  If we can patiently suffer in

such ways, then we are "getting our clothes ready" for the great feast.

>>>> Have someone read James 5:12.

            Q How do we get ready according to James 5:12.

               An = When we say it is "yes", then it is "yes".  In other words we are to be so truthful that we never need to swear.  Our word is our

bond.  Some of us think little of not keeping our word, or of not telling the truth.  We make all kinds of excuses, but James says this is how we can

acquire "bright and clean" fine linens.  Tell the truth so consistently that we never need to swear.

            Note:  James will now go on to describe some things that "righteous people", who are getting their "bright and clean" garments ready

should be doing.  Let us read what we should be about....


IV.  Those With Good Clothes Should Be Praying:  James 5:13-18.

>>>> Have someone read James 5:13-16.

            Q What should we be doing according to James?

               An = We should pray when in trouble, sing when happy.  He then goes on to say more about prayer.  When someone is ill we can expect

the elders to pray that they get better or if they have sinned that they can be forgiven.  When we are visited we are to expect either health or forgiveness

of sins.

            Note:  Verse 14 tells us to call for the elders when we are sick for prayer and anointing with oil in the Name of the Lord.  Note here

it says for the sick person to call.  Sometimes we wait for the Church to come to us, but how are they to know the need if they are not contacted?

            Note:  Verse 14 does not mean medicine should not be used.

            Q How is it that some churches expect so little from the prayers of the elders of their churches?

               An = Maybe, their elders are too busy judging others (5:9), or are not standing up for the Lord and bearing the suffering that comes with

it (5:10), or they do not always tell the truth (5:12).  Remember, prayer offered in faith, by righteous persons is powerful.  If we would follow James

5:9-12 then we could expect to be more like James 5:13-16.

            Note:  Maybe we should be expecting more from our prayers than we are getting.

>>>> Have someone read James 5:17-18.

            Q What did James prayer life affect?

               An = The weather patterns so that people could hear the Word of God.

            Q Is that possible for us today?

               An = Let them answer. 

            Then when they are done, remind them that our church has many faults and we and our leaders do not have perfect lives, but God already

knows that.  He is the Judge.  The greatest sickness we have is not physical illness but sin.  Physical illness can only kill the body and it will die soon

anyway, but sin can kill us forever.  Remember, James is our brother, he loves each of us, even those who have been shown to be imperfect after reading

his little short book.

            He gives us one last final command, one last word to guide us...

>>>> Have someone read James 5:19-20.

            Q  What are the final commands James give his fellow Christians?

               An = Restore the wandering ones.  Do not gossip and talk about them, but restore them.

            Q How do we restore them?

               An = Let them give their answers.  If they have not already said it, summarize what James is saying:  1)  We can talk to them "as

brothers, just as James has talked to us".  2) We can start praying for them, believing the Lord is going to hear us as in the verse just above (James

5:13-17).  3) We can also make sure our own lives are not full of judgmentalism, lack of telling the truth, or lack of suffering for the Lord because of our

witness.  Our own good example mixed with prayer and our talking to them could restore them.

            Q What is the promise to us if we "restore them"?

               An = If we turn a sinner from the error of his way it will save him from death and cover a multitude of sins.  We will not only help that

individual but bless the entire church body.  

Tuesday, July 22, 2008



4:13-5:6                                                        Lesson # 8

                                                WALK ON SOLID GROUND NOT QUICKSAND


I.    Greetings:


II.   Introduction:

            Note:  Today we are going to look at things people trust in, that are not truly trustworthy.  People put too much stock in what does not

really matter.  Sometimes we try to walk on quicksand instead of solid ground.     

            Q What are some of the false securities people trust in today?    

               An = Let them answer and do not comment just acknowledge their answers.

            Q Is walking on quicksand instead of solid ground dangerous?  How dangerous?  What could be the consequences?

               An = The consequences could be death.  What James is going to talk about in the verses we are going to study today is not "good advice"

but a vital warning that if ignored could mean our living in the grasp of evil.


III.  The First Warning:  Human Plans Instead of Obeying What You Know.  James 4:13-17.

>>>> Have someone read James 4:13.

            Q What is James warning us against in verse 13?

               An = Making plans for the future.  Now that does not seem to bad.  In fact we often disrespect those people who do not make plans and

or have positive expectations.  You have to plan ahead.  Many of the Proverbs teach us to do this.  

            Lets see why making plans can be so dangerous....

>>>> Have someone read James 4:14-16.

            Q According to James 4:14 what should we always be aware of?

               An = We really do not know the future nor how long we will be alive, our lives really are very short, like a vapor that quickly vanishes: 

"Here today and gone tomorrow."

            Q What are we to do in regard to plans according to verse 15?

               An = All our plans are to be submitted to the will of the Lord, and we should recognize that He controls the future.

            Q Do some people do this in word only and not mean it in their hearts?

               An = Yes, a lot of people throw a lot of religious language around.  Remember, James is Jesus' brother and Jesus did not like us to just

"throw religious phrases about".  Jesus often nailed people publicly, who spouted off such phrases.

>>>> Have someone re-read James 4:16.

            Note:  James seems to be saying in 4:16 that we should not boast in "our plans" or "our agenda" but in God's agenda.  Even

Christians boast in their fine plans (remember James is writing to fellow believers) and such boasting James says is evil.  It is dangerous.

            Note:  James is not going to just correct us in our leaving the Lord out of our plans.  James is saying realize that God is really in control,

and leaving God out is arrogance on our part, but James is going to give us positive direction as well.  As usual, he is going to give us a way to be

aggressive and active.

>>>> Have someone read James 4:17

            Q What does James want us to focus our attention on in this verse?

               An = James says not to focus on our future plans but on what we already know God wants us to do.  If we obey what we know to do

already then the future will be brighter.  A lot of us want to do good things in the future for our church, for our friends, for our families, but we have left

something God wants us to do undone, and James has a word for such inaction.  That word is sin!  

            RQ  Are some of us making plans for the church but have not forgiven someone who goes to our church?

            RQ  Are we planning a great vacation, or anticipating a great career move for ourselves or someone we love, but we have not paid our tithe,

or apologized for lying about someone, or apologized for gossiping.  (You could add some of your own examples here.)

            Note:  James is saying we can get fixated on the future and not have God's blessing because we do not listen to and obey what He has

already told us to do.

            Let us stop right now and bow in a word of prayer and ask God to bring to our memory anything He has been saying that

we have been ignoring.  If we pray believing, He will speak to us.


IV.  The Second Warning:  Mis-using Wealth and Oppressing the Laborer.  James 5:1-6.

>>>> Have someone read James 5:1-3.

            Q James says judgment is coming for what class of people?

               An = The wealthy.  Notice James says they should "weep and wail because of the coming misery".  We often are jealous of what the rich

have and James says the rich are certainly not in a favored position.

            Q What is going to happen to their wealth?

               An = It will not last and it will cause them judgment.  

            Q According to James 5:3 what have these people done with their wealth?

               An = They had hoarded their wealth in their later years.  Sometimes when we are young we do not hoard our wealth but are generous to

those in need, to family, to the work of the Lord, but often we change and start to hoard things.  We often do so because we feel we need to "protect our

golden years" but in reality James says such action is walking on quicksand, not solid ground.

>>>> Have someone read James 5:4-6.

            Q What offenses are the rich being warned about here?

               An = The offenses seem to be three:  1) cheating the workers of fair compensation, of fair wages, 2) becoming involved in

self-indulgence, and 3) in the attempt to hoard wealth condemning and murdering the innocent who were really not a threat to us.

            Note:  In the NIV translation of James verse four says the cries of the wage earners will rise to the ears of the "Lord Almighty". 

Actually, the phrase in Greek (and some other english translations) is "Lord Sabaoth".  This phrase goes back to the Old Testament where such a title for

God refers to God as the "Great Warlord", the "Lord of Hosts".  This is a war title!  

            When we allow workers to be cheated then God becomes our enemy.  He goes to war against us.  God does not favor the rich, He is the Lord

of justice.

            Q What is usually found in the wake of the rich who abuse/misuse their wealth?

               An = Misery for those on the low income scale.  This is so evident in Third World Countries where a few live in mind-boggling luxury

while the masses are in abject poverty.  Such living conditions often cause death to those who are forced to live that way so a `master' can over-indulge.

            Such conditions are a seeming "black and white" situation.  People in `advanced' nations are also abused by those in power, either in the

work place or by a government.  Often we think we have a right to luxury when in fact we do not.  Luxury is often bought off the backs of others.

            Q If we trust in wealth what will happen to us?

               An = Our wealth cannot save us eternally.  We cannot take it with us when we die and we cannot buy our way into heaven and try and

gain privilege there.  

            We also cannot live in luxury and then donate a large sum just as we are dying and expect to buy our way into heaven.  Some ministers

would like you to think that because they want your donations, but the Lord loves the rich too, and does not want their money but their obedience and

love.  He wants them alive in heaven and not on the slippery path to hell thinking that giving a large donation to the church in the end will make things

right.  People who only give just before they die, are really saying I will only give when I can no longer use the money.  Many rich people could be fooling

themselves.  If you are rich, or just a person in the normal earning range, give to the Lord now because you trust in the Lord and love Him.  If you hoard it

now, your wealth will not only not save you, it will be the cause of your misery.  

            You do not need to be very wealthy to be a hoarding type of personality.  You also do not need to be very rich to be a "big giver".

            The old phrase:  "Tis one life, that will soon be passed.  Only what's done for Christ will last."  When we die we will go where our true

heart was.  If it is with Christ, we will go with Him, if it is truly with our wealth, then we will go with that.  If we fool ourselves, by saying that we

had family, or business concerns, that necessitated our hoarding then we only fool ourselves.  We will certainly not fool God.

            Note:  What James is saying is not new with him, but just another way of saying what his brother Jesus said:   Read Matthew 6:19-21,

25-27, 33.

            "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for

yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your

heart will be also....   Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink;  or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life

more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air;  they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and

yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? ... But seek

first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."  Matthew 6:19-21, 25-27,33.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

JAMES 4:1-12 | Lesson # 7 | SUBMITTING TO GOD


4:1-12                                               Lesson # 7

                                                              SUBMITTING TO GOD


I.    Greetings:


II.   Introduction:

            Note:  Have you ever noticed we are harder to get along with than at other times.  Sometimes we seem to want to get into an argument. 

What causes that?

            Q Have you ever noticed that some people in an extended family or in the church seem to always want to argue or quarrel, why is that?

               An = Let them give their answers.  You might even want to share a time when you caused a quarrel.  James wants us to realize that

such things do happen, and he wants to help us get out of such behavior when it arises in our hearts.  He will first point to its source and then show us

practical ways to get out of such behavior.


III.  Identifying the Cause of the Problem:  Selfish Desires.  James 4:1-6.

>>>> Have someone read James 4:1-3.

            Q What causes dissension amongst people according to verse 1?

               An = Our desires.  We cannot get what we want and we fight and even kill for it.  Is not that usually the source of war?  One nation

wants what another has and goes to war to get it.  We, individually, "go to war" to get what we want.  Sometimes people "go to war" in churches trying to

get their way on a certain issue or on the direction of the church.

            Q  Why do we not have what we want, and why do we not get it?

               An = We do not have what we want because we do not ask God.  Or, if we have asked and have not received, it can be because our

motives are wrong, we just want so we can satisfy our own lust for pleasure.

            Note:  Sometimes we do not receive what we pray for right away.  It may be that God feels we need to wait.  But the point being made

here is that our selfish requests are not a priority of God's.  Just as we do not give children everything they want if we want them to be healthy children

so God is a good father, a good parent.  We would never refuse our children something they needed and neither will God.

>>>> Have someone read James 4:4-6.

            Q According to verse 4 what does James call "friendship with the world"?

               An = Friendship with the world is hatred towards God, being an enemy of God.  James even uses the word adultery to describe such

action.  We cannot be friends with the world and expect God to be pleased.

            Q So what is worldliness and what would friendship with the world look like today?

               An = It is when we are disloyal to God's commands.  It is when we are caught in our pride and when we are centered on ourselves.  A

self-centered attitude, taking of number One and a preoccupation with rights is the opposite of humility.

            Q What do you think verse 5 means?

               An =  The Holy Spirit within the Christian yearns enviously for our total loyalty and devotion to Him.  He wants our undivided love and

will not tolerate any rivals.  Exodus 20:5 and 34:14 say our God is an intensely passionate God.  He does not want to share our loyalty with any other

false gods or objects.  Ezekiel 6:9 speaks of how the Israelites, even though they were the chosen people (the church people of that day) were disloyal to

God and were called adulterers.  God had to judge them as such.  God is aware of where our hearts truly are.  We cannot fool Him.  He knows if we are


            Jesus brought up the same issue but applied it to a specific situation.  He puts it this way:  "We cannot have two masters" and the two

masters were God and money.  (Matthew 6:24 and Luke 6:13).

>>>> Have someone read Luke 16:13.

            Note:  So what do we do if we have a false god?  

>>>> You re-read James 4:6.

            Q According to this verse where does our hope lie?

               An = In our humility.  If we remain proud then God will oppose us, if we chose humility then God will give us grace.

            Note:  Our problem is that we, as believers, are often like ancient Israel.  We are in the believing community but we are not really loyal to

God.  The problem is with our selfish desires and they have led us to disloyalty to God.  So what do we do....?


IV.  The Answer to the Problem:  Submission.  James 4:7-11

>>>> Have someone read James 4:7.          

            Q Who are we to submit to and who are we to resist?

               An = We are not to submit to our selfish desires, but to resist selfishness because it is of the devil.  

            Notice that if we will submit to God and resist the devil, the devil will leave.  There is hope!  We are no match for the devil, but we have a

defender.  God can overcome Satan;  we cannot, but God can.  So, that's where we need to turn when we are confronted with a situation where we want

what we know is wrong and we have to go against our own desires.  We do not have to fight this alone, God helps us win the victory.

            There is not much that can compare with the wonderful feeling when we have been able to stand up to the devil and win the victory - it is a

real "upper".

>>>> Have someone read James 4:8-10.

            Q Are you offended by being called by James a sinner and a double minded person?

               An = Let them give their answers and then when all is said, just ask them a simple question.  Before God, is James wrong in his


            Q What does it mean to "wash your hands, purify your hearts"?

               An = Stop reaching for the pleasures of the world that can contaminate you.  Renew your mind by choosing to be loyal to God's will.  Do

not be wishy-washy (double-minded about God and the world).  We cannot stand on the fence but rather we must choose.  With His help we can make the

right choice.                    

            Q Why does James tell us to grieve, mourn, wail, turn laughter to mourning and joy to gloom?  Are not Christians supposed to have joy?

               An = It is true            that joy is the Lord's goal for us.  However, we should mourn and weep over our sin because of its terrible

ramifications.  Sin can keep a person from accepting the salvation Christ offers.  Sin can keep, even a Christian, from fellowship with God.  Sin can keep

us from joy, from blessing, from the life that give peace and blessing to others.  

            Remember, we cannot have sin and God.  So, it is no laughing matter.  If a loved one, or even an acquaintance is spiritually lost, we surely

would feel like mourning for them.  Sin is serious and we need to recognize that.  Once we do, we are saddened by anyone being caught in its clutches and

at the possibility they might be lost.

            Q According to verse 10 what is the way out?

               An = Humility.  If we humble ourselves before the Lord then He will lift us up.


V.  Application of the Answer to a Practical Situation:  Slander.  James 4:11-12.

>>>> Have someone read James 4:11-12.

            Q What are we doing when we talk against or judge a "brother" (fellow Christian)?

               An = We are judging that person and then we have placed ourselves above God's law and made ourselves the judge over the law itself.

            There is no humility here (remember humility is the key to God's forgiving us).  God says we are to love our fellow Christians, "Love your

neighbor as yourself".  If we judge our brother or sister, instead of loving them then we are putting aside God's Law.  We are saying that we are smarter

than God and above His teaching.  We are the opposite of humility when we are in the midst of such arrogance.

            Q According to James 4:12 how many Judges and Lawgivers are there?

               An = Only One!  God almighty is our true Judge and Lawgiver.  He alone is able to save or destroy and we are not to judge our brother or

sister.  When we are judging another Christian we are judging God's teaching, and if we are judging God's teaching we are not obeying it.  To sit in

judgment over God's teaching is the height of arrogance, the opposite of humility.

            James 3:18 says true wisdom brings peace but our arrogance of judgmentalism does not bring peace but strife.

            Q  How many of you have gotten into an argument and one of you starts making up their own rules so they can win?

               An = Let them share if they will.  Such arguments never end with satisfaction.  Once we start making up our own rules, and disobeying

God's rules, then we never come to any solution to our disagreement.  We merely try to rationalize our own stand and own position.  Our only hope is not

to make up the rules so we can win (because then truth does not win), our only hope is to submit to God's rules so peace can be established.  

            It takes humility to submit to God and humility to want the truth to come out more than ourselves to be vindicated.  Most of us lack the

courage to be so open, to be so humble.  Humility takes great strength and great courage, but it is the way of blessing.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

JAMES 3:13-18 | Lesson # 6 | WISDOM


3:13-18                                             Lesson # 6



I.    Greetings:


II.   Introduction:

            Note:  Open by telling a short personal story of someone you think really acted wisely with you or acted wisely in your presence.  In

other words tell a story about someone you really admire and think was wise in their action.  Then ask them...

            Q Who is the wisest person you personally know?

               An = Let them tell their stories.  As they tell their stories, ask them why they think that person was wise.  

            Note:  It is good to remember good actions of good people.  James wants us to become wise as well.  He wants to point us towards

recognizing what wisdom is and then encourage us to be that caliber of person ourselves.


III.  The Characterization of Wisdom:  James 3:13.

>>>> Have someone read James 3:13.

            Q According to verse 13 how do we know someone is wise and has understanding?

               An = Someone is wise not because they have advanced degrees or are older, but we know someone to be wise when they do wise things. 

Wisdom is shown by deeds done in humility.  It is not talk but action.  Notice James says nothing about wise words but only something about wise

deeds.  Think back over the stories I told and you told and notice that actions were more important than words.  Notice how often humility was present.

            Q Why is humility an issue here?

               An = A truly godly person realizes that humility is at the heart of the Christian faith.   First, we humbly realize that we could not save

ourselves from our sins.  If we are truly Christian we realize that we are saved from an eternity in hell solely by the love of God demonstrated on the

cross.  A true Christian realizes that.  Second, we humbly serve God not to show off, but to humbly say "thank you" to God.  Therefore wise behavior or

obedience to God's Word and the willingness to serve God is a resulting "by-product" of God forgiving us.  Knowing shows wisdom.

            When we take "Holy Communion", if we truly understand what we are doing, we are remembering what Jesus did, and we are thankful for

it.  The early church called the communion service "Eucharist" which means "Thanksgiving".  We cannot really worship God until we are thankful.  If we

have not realized that God has saved us from our sins then we tend to be less thankful than those who do realize it.  

            Worship is tied to thankfulness and thankfulness is tied to true wisdom.

            Q Have you ever sacrificed something to help a person in need?  Has someone ever done this for you?

               An =  Let them answer.

            Note:  We have heard about parents or siblings giving a vital organ for a loved one.  Think about how you would feel if someone did that for

you.  Gratitude would certainly be one of your feelings, but would it not be very, very humbling also?

            Christ gave His all for us.  When we feel gratitude and humility we are moving towards what the Bible would call worship.  To worship is


            RQ Are humility and gratitude the major feelings you have when you come to church?

            Note:  If those feelings are missing then James wants you to know where your other feelings are coming from.  Lets see what he has to



IV.  Wisdom from Below:  James 3:14-16.

>>>> Have someone read James 3:14-16.

            Q What two qualities in verse 14 are we not to be arrogant or boastful about?

               An = James lists two qualities:  bitter envy and selfish ambition.  If we boast about these James says we are then denying the truth.

            Q How can someone be envious or selfishly ambitious at church or Dorcas Guild?

               An = Let them define those actions.

            Q Where do such qualities come from according to verse 15?

               An = They come not from heaven, but are earthly, unspiritual, they are of the devil. 

            Q According to verse 16 what is the result in a church when "bad wisdom" is present in the hearts of the people?

               An = disorder and every evil practice.  These are the very opposites of the Kingdom of God.  In the Lord's prayer we are to pray that

"Thy Kingdom come...."  If we are envious we are not "of heaven" we are "of the devil".  Humility is a sign that true wisdom is near.

            Note:  These are strong words but loving words from James.  When we are filled with envy instead of humility or gratitude and when we

demand that people praise us or let us get our way (selfish ambition) then we are not "in the Lord" but "of the devil".  James does not tell us this to

condemn us but to show us the truth.

            If we had a curable cancer and our doctor never told us because it is "mean" to give bad news then we would not consider him to be a good

doctor.  James is a good doctor.  If we are serving the devil then we need to know that.  If we sit in Dorcas Guild meetings filled with envy or selfish

ambition then we deny the truth, because the truth is, that true wisdom should bring humility not envy or selfish ambition.  We need to know what is

wrong so we will seek a cure.


V. Wisdom From Heaven:  James 3:17-18.       

>>>> Have someone read James 3:17-18.

            Q What is true wisdom like?

               An = It is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  Instead of disorder and evil

practices the fruit is one of peace.  

            Note:  James would want us to ponder our affect on the group.  When we walk into a meeting do we bring strife and envy or do display

consideration, submissiveness, mercy, impartial fair mindedness and sincerity?

            Note:  Peace in English usually means the absence of conflict, but in Hebrew peace means much more.  Peace in Hebrew means a

harmonious state with God, with others, with life.  It means being in sync with others, with the Lord, with our lives.  Do we not all yearn for this? 

Wouldn't  we all want this for our lives, for Dorcas Guild, for Pilgrim Church?  The source of such wisdom is from above.

            Remember, James does not want to condemn us but bless us by telling us these things.  If we lack such wisdom there is hope of getting it.

>>>> Have everyone turn to James 1:5 and you read it to them.

            Note:  If we lack wisdom, we are to pray for it.  We are to ask for it, to ask God for it.  If we do ask and mean what we say, He will give

it to us.  If you want better wisdom than you presently have then pray with me silently as I pray outloud.  Or when you get home from this meeting, get

on your knees and pray to Jesus Christ and ask for His wisdom.

Close in prayer.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008



3:1-12                                                           Lesson #5

                                                CONTROLLING THE TONGUE


I.    Greeting:


II.   Introduction:

            Q Is it important for Christians to control their tongues, why?

               An = Let them answer and do not comment, just acknowledge their ideas.

            Q Do you know of someone who does not come to this church because of someone who did not control their tongue?

               An = Again let them answer.  When they are through then let them know that James considers this an important agenda.  We are going

to see how powerful James considers the tongue to be and how devastating it can be.


III.  The Importance of Controlling the Tongue Is Stated:  James 3:1-2.

>>>> Have someone read James 3:1.

            Q Do you think it is fair that teachers will be judged more strictly?

               An = Let them answer and then add from the New Bible Commentary:  "There seemed to be an eagerness for many to speak in public

without realizing that the fundamental qualification for teaching is learning.  Perhaps also, there was a tendency to mistake fluency of speech for

knowledge."  I'm sure we do this today.  Teachers should be certain they are presenting truth and not just `making a speech' to glorify themselves or to

`just hear themselves talk'.  Teaching is an awesome responsibility.

            Q Are we teachers when we speak to our children, our spouse, our friends or in meetings?

               An = Absolutely.  II Timothy 2:24 says, "And the Lord's servant must not quarrel;  instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach,

not resentful."

            Note:  So, we are all teachers one way or another.  We also need to watch our attitude when speaking, our voice tone, and our body

language.  All these are involved in messages that go out from us.  We are responsible for those, too.

            We need to be especially careful with children as we can set a child on a course that can affect his/her entire life.  We read in the

newspapers every day the havoc that is created by misled, abused children.  Positive encouragement can build, put-downs can destroy the spirit. 

>>>> Have someone read James 3:2.

            Q How is a perfect man described?

               An = One who can control his tongue and therefore his whole body.

            Q Do good Christians make mistakes, even Christian leaders?

               An = Yes they do.  No human, with the exception of Jesus, is presented as being perfect.  We all need to work towards the goal of

controlling our tongue.  

            When we stumble, we need to make it right, and apologize, so that any potential lasting damage can be potentially undone or healed.  

            Speaking of Christian leaders or influential people...

            Q Who has influenced us most with their words:  your mother or your Sunday School teacher?

               An = Let them answer and then add:  this admonition is for teachers but it also for us as parents.  Let us remember that we are very

powerful people.  Words are very powerful!  Very powerful and important people have to be careful how they talk.  Everyone watches them.  You are the

most important person in the world to your children or friends, whether you realize it or not.  



IV.  Bridling the Tongue:  James 2:3-8.

>>>> Have someone read James 2:3-5.

            Note:  We have some examples given here to illustrate James' point in the preceding verses.

            Q What are the three examples James uses?

               An = Bits in the mouths of horses

                           The small rudder that guides a huge ship

                           The affect a small spark can have in igniting a forest fire

            Q What do these three illustrations have in common?

               An = Something small controls so much.   James is saying that like these three illustrations, the tongue, though such a small part of

the body, can control and influence so much more than its small size would lead one to expect.

>>>> Have someone read James 2:6-8.

            Q According to these verse is the tongue dangerous?

               An = It is as dangerous as fire.  Potentially releasing a world of evil among all parts of the body.  It can corrupt the whole person and

set the whole course of one's life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.  

            James words are frightening, and he meant them to be frightening.  Remember, James loves his audience, and he sees the potential danger

and destruction that our tongue and thus words can have.

            Q Have any of you ever thought of what comes out of your mouth in this way?

               An = After their answer share with them Ephesians 4:29.  Perhaps let them turn to Ephesians and read it with you:  "Do not let any

unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

            Q Has someone's tongue poisoned you;  or have you ever `poisoned' someone with your tongue?

               An = Let them answer.  (If no one answers, then I expect most of us as leaders have been on one end or the other during the course of

our lives.  Give an example, and do not worry about your reputation, only God's matters.

            Note:  An example of what the tongue can do.  When the Israelites were outside the Promised Land and heard that the Canaanites were

strong, they started to grumble and complain.  All that negative talk changed the course of the work of God!  They spent 40 years in the wilderness.  On

the one hand, we can stop what God wants our church to be by our tongues:  mumbling and grumbling amongst ourselves.  On the other hand, we can look

for what God wants for us.  Let's not have to spend extended time in the wilderness as a church, let's not lose out on His blessing by our uncontrolled



V.  Our Two-faced Tongue:  James 3:9-12.

>>>> Have someone read James 3:9-12.

            Q What point is being made in these verses?

               An = Our tongue has both positive and negative potential.  Verse 10 says "out of the same mouth comes praise and cursing."

            Q What does James want us to stop doing at the end of verse 10?

               An = James wants us to stop this inconsistency.  Remember, we talked last week about a specific, physical response, by faith, of

obedience to God?  What if what we offered God this week is our tongue.  Let us work, struggle, and pray to eliminate gossip from our mouths.  If we

could physically stop our tongues and submit our actual words to Him, we could eliminate so much evil in our church. 

            Note:  Jesus Christ Himself tells us in Matthew 15:11:  "What goes into a man's mouth does not make him `unclean', but what comes out of

his mouth, that is what makes him `unclean'."  We would never come to church or Dorcas Guild `dirty'.  In our Lord's eyes, what could make us dirty is

what could come out of our mouths if we gossip or lie.

            Q What is the purpose of the comparisons noted in verses 11 and 12?

               An = We cannot be two different or two opposite things.

            What comes out of our mouths reflects what is in our hearts.  A fig tree cannot bear olives.  We will not always say and do the right thing,

but our desire should be that our speech (and actions) should reflect our Christianity.  We cannot act and speak like a non-believer and yet profess to be a

believer.  Our lifestyle will reflect what we really are.

            A good test is to see what comes out of our mouths when we are upset or angry.  Often that shows where the heart really is.  If we

repeatedly cannot control our tongues, we must examine our faith.  Are we really believers?  If we are not believers, real believers, then we need to ask

God to forgive us and convert us.  He will.  

            If we know we are believers, then let's use our tongues to spread the love of God and talk about all the good we know of others (yes even

those we dislike have good points).  The devil and his angels will spread the bad stuff, let's not work for them.