Tuesday, June 10, 2008

JAMES 1:19-27 | Lesson # 2 | LISTENING AND DOING


1:19-27                                             Lesson # 2

                                                LISTENING AND DOING


I.    Greetings:


II.   Introduction:

            Note:  This lesson is a very practical one.  It will end by speaking of the nature of true faith, but it will not deal with theory but with

practical matters of the Christian Life.  It will show us what faith means in practical matters.


III.  Dealing With Our Anger:  James 1:19-21.

            Q What usually causes people to get angry?

            Q What can push your buttons and get you angry?

               An = Let them share, if they will, openly without any comment from you.  Approach this with good humor so they do not feel intimidated

or cornered.  You might even want to see if five-six people will share.  You might even ask specific people to speak who would not mind sharing.

            Q Has anyone ever been angry at you, and it hurt instead of helped you?  Why?

               An = Let them share and as you listen to their stories see if you can detect if some of those who have hurt them in anger were people

who at normal (non-angry) times were people who meant them well.  If it is appropriate, point that out.

            Q Can good Christians get angry?  

               An = Let them answer and do not comment.

>>>> Have someone read James 1:19-20.

            Q By what title does James call his readers in verse 19?

               An = James calls them "dear brothers".  In other words, he is addressing his fellow Christians whom he holds dear, and they seem to

need some teaching about dealing with their anger.  Real Christians do have to deal with their anger.

            Q How does James propose one deals with their anger according to verse 19?

               An = When volatile or upsetting situations arise aggressively listen but be careful to say little or nothing and then make effort to

not let your anger rise.

            Q What does James tell us about the fruit of anger?

               An = That if it is just a normal human response it will not accomplish the will of God.  We may have good reasons for getting angry or

believe that our anger can move someone to change their behavior, even change their wrong behavior, but it does not work.

            James could be saying that one of the reasons for leaving off being angry is that it is just not affective.

            Q What do we do with all the energy that gets aroused when we finally get angry?  What do we do with that energy?

               An = Let them answer and again do not preach or comment.  Let them give the advice.  Then say James has given us a channel for our

anger, let's see what he advises....

>>>> Have someone read James 1:21.

            Note:  Often we are angry at someone for what they have done or said and their actions or words have aroused our tempers.  James seems

to be proposing that we redirect our attention to our own faults.  We are to direct that energy towards our own moral failings and evil that is so

frequently around us.  We should focus on God's Word to us.

            James could be actually utilizing some of Jesus's thoughts from the Sermon on the Mount....

            Q What words of Jesus could James be using?

               An = Ask them to turn to Matthew 7:1-5.

>>> Have someone read Matthew 7:1-5.

            Q According to Jesus Christ what should we deal with first before we deal with other's faults?

               An = We should deal with our own faults first.  Jesus says redirect your attention to your own faults.  

            Q Is Jesus giving us good advice?

               An = Let them answer without comment.

            Q Do many Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in this regard?

               An = Let them answer without comment by yourself.  Your silence will help here. 

            Note:  Let us go back to James 1:21.  Let me recap what James has said about anger.  Perhaps, James is saying if we will first listen,

not speak and not get angry (19), because it will do not good (20),  and then attend to our own moral failings (21), then we are listening to

the Word of God.

            Q According to the end of verse 21, what will the Word of God do for us?

               An = It will save us.


IV.  The Difference Between Hearing and Doing:  James 1:22-27.

   A.  The General Principle:  James 1:22-25

            Q Does going to church make one a Christian?

               An = Let them answer and only comment to say that "sleeping in a garage does not make you a car either".  James has an important word

for us in this regard....

>>>> Have someone read James 1:22-25.

            Q What is the individual like who hears the Word of God but does not do it?

               An = He is like one who sees their reflection in a mirror but later forgets what was seen.  (Can you imagine if you did this every time

you looked at a mirror when you got ready for Dorcas Guild.  It would certainly make for some interesting looking people at the meetings!)

            Q What does James mean by this illustration of the mirror and the hearing of the Word of God?

               An = If we hear the Word of God and do not act upon it we are living in delusion and living in the realm of deception.  It is only by

doing what God says that we can be blessed by what God says.

   B.  The Principle Illustrated:  James 1:26-27.

            Q What makes a good Christian in your point of view?

               An = Let them answer without comment, then tell them look at what James considers to be worthless religion.

>>>> Have someone read James 1:26-27.

            Q What is James' answer to this question in verse 26?

               An = What makes religion worthless is when a person can not keep a tight rein on their tongue.

            Rhetorical Q Is this a theoretical or practical answer? 

            Rhetorical Q Do you like his answer?

            Q Why is James saying such tough things?  What is James trying to accomplish with his "dear brothers"?

               An = Get them to ponder why James would say such tough things to people he supposedly considers so dear to himself.  James, like

Jesus, really loves people.  James wants people free of deception and therefore deeply and seriously challenges them.  This is a book written from a

standpoint of love!

            Now watch how he defines pure and faultless religion....

>>>> Have someone read James 1:27.

            Q How does James define true religion that God our Father accepts as pure?

               An =  When we look after the orphans and widow in their distress and keep ourselves morally pure from sin.

            Q What should our church and the Dorcas Guild be doing to act out "pure" religion that God will accept?

               An = Like Dorcas we need to be helping the "needy", those in distress and we should be booking speakers that encourage us to stay true

to the example and teaching of Jesus Christ.

            Perhaps have each circle make a list of activities and speakers that Dorcas Guild could support and get involved with

that meet James criteria. 

            Q Will God accept our work at Dorcas Guild according to the Book of James if it does not involve helping the needy and teaching us to "come

apart from the world"?