3:13-18 Lesson # 6
I. Greetings:
II. Introduction:
Note: Open by telling a short personal story of someone you think really acted wisely with you or acted wisely in your presence. In
other words tell a story about someone you really admire and think was wise in their action. Then ask them...
Q Who is the wisest person you personally know?
An = Let them tell their stories. As they tell their stories, ask them why they think that person was wise.
Note: It is good to remember good actions of good people. James wants us to become wise as well. He wants to point us towards
recognizing what wisdom is and then encourage us to be that caliber of person ourselves.
III. The Characterization of Wisdom: James 3:13.
>>>> Have someone read James 3:13.
Q According to verse 13 how do we know someone is wise and has understanding?
An = Someone is wise not because they have advanced degrees or are older, but we know someone to be wise when they do wise things.
Wisdom is shown by deeds done in humility. It is not talk but action. Notice James says nothing about wise words but only something about wise
deeds. Think back over the stories I told and you told and notice that actions were more important than words. Notice how often humility was present.
Q Why is humility an issue here?
An = A truly godly person realizes that humility is at the heart of the Christian faith. First, we humbly realize that we could not save
ourselves from our sins. If we are truly Christian we realize that we are saved from an eternity in hell solely by the love of God demonstrated on the
cross. A true Christian realizes that. Second, we humbly serve God not to show off, but to humbly say "thank you" to God. Therefore wise behavior or
obedience to God's Word and the willingness to serve God is a resulting "by-product" of God forgiving us. Knowing shows wisdom.
When we take "Holy Communion", if we truly understand what we are doing, we are remembering what Jesus did, and we are thankful for
it. The early church called the communion service "Eucharist" which means "Thanksgiving". We cannot really worship God until we are thankful. If we
have not realized that God has saved us from our sins then we tend to be less thankful than those who do realize it.
Worship is tied to thankfulness and thankfulness is tied to true wisdom.
Q Have you ever sacrificed something to help a person in need? Has someone ever done this for you?
An = Let them answer.
Note: We have heard about parents or siblings giving a vital organ for a loved one. Think about how you would feel if someone did that for
you. Gratitude would certainly be one of your feelings, but would it not be very, very humbling also?
Christ gave His all for us. When we feel gratitude and humility we are moving towards what the Bible would call worship. To worship is
RQ Are humility and gratitude the major feelings you have when you come to church?
Note: If those feelings are missing then James wants you to know where your other feelings are coming from. Lets see what he has to
IV. Wisdom from Below: James 3:14-16.
>>>> Have someone read James 3:14-16.
Q What two qualities in verse 14 are we not to be arrogant or boastful about?
An = James lists two qualities: bitter envy and selfish ambition. If we boast about these James says we are then denying the truth.
Q How can someone be envious or selfishly ambitious at church or Dorcas Guild?
An = Let them define those actions.
Q Where do such qualities come from according to verse 15?
An = They come not from heaven, but are earthly, unspiritual, they are of the devil.
Q According to verse 16 what is the result in a church when "bad wisdom" is present in the hearts of the people?
An = disorder and every evil practice. These are the very opposites of the Kingdom of God. In the Lord's prayer we are to pray that
"Thy Kingdom come...." If we are envious we are not "of heaven" we are "of the devil". Humility is a sign that true wisdom is near.
Note: These are strong words but loving words from James. When we are filled with envy instead of humility or gratitude and when we
demand that people praise us or let us get our way (selfish ambition) then we are not "in the Lord" but "of the devil". James does not tell us this to
condemn us but to show us the truth.
If we had a curable cancer and our doctor never told us because it is "mean" to give bad news then we would not consider him to be a good
doctor. James is a good doctor. If we are serving the devil then we need to know that. If we sit in Dorcas Guild meetings filled with envy or selfish
ambition then we deny the truth, because the truth is, that true wisdom should bring humility not envy or selfish ambition. We need to know what is
wrong so we will seek a cure.
V. Wisdom From Heaven: James 3:17-18.
>>>> Have someone read James 3:17-18.
Q What is true wisdom like?
An = It is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Instead of disorder and evil
practices the fruit is one of peace.
Note: James would want us to ponder our affect on the group. When we walk into a meeting do we bring strife and envy or do display
consideration, submissiveness, mercy, impartial fair mindedness and sincerity?
Note: Peace in English usually means the absence of conflict, but in Hebrew peace means much more. Peace in Hebrew means a
harmonious state with God, with others, with life. It means being in sync with others, with the Lord, with our lives. Do we not all yearn for this?
Wouldn't we all want this for our lives, for Dorcas Guild, for Pilgrim Church? The source of such wisdom is from above.
Remember, James does not want to condemn us but bless us by telling us these things. If we lack such wisdom there is hope of getting it.
>>>> Have everyone turn to James 1:5 and you read it to them.
Note: If we lack wisdom, we are to pray for it. We are to ask for it, to ask God for it. If we do ask and mean what we say, He will give
it to us. If you want better wisdom than you presently have then pray with me silently as I pray outloud. Or when you get home from this meeting, get
on your knees and pray to Jesus Christ and ask for His wisdom.
Close in prayer.
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