4:13-5:6 Lesson # 8
I. Greetings:
II. Introduction:
Note: Today we are going to look at things people trust in, that are not truly trustworthy. People put too much stock in what does not
really matter. Sometimes we try to walk on quicksand instead of solid ground.
Q What are some of the false securities people trust in today?
An = Let them answer and do not comment just acknowledge their answers.
Q Is walking on quicksand instead of solid ground dangerous? How dangerous? What could be the consequences?
An = The consequences could be death. What James is going to talk about in the verses we are going to study today is not "good advice"
but a vital warning that if ignored could mean our living in the grasp of evil.
III. The First Warning: Human Plans Instead of Obeying What You Know. James 4:13-17.
>>>> Have someone read James 4:13.
Q What is James warning us against in verse 13?
An = Making plans for the future. Now that does not seem to bad. In fact we often disrespect those people who do not make plans and
or have positive expectations. You have to plan ahead. Many of the Proverbs teach us to do this.
Lets see why making plans can be so dangerous....
>>>> Have someone read James 4:14-16.
Q According to James 4:14 what should we always be aware of?
An = We really do not know the future nor how long we will be alive, our lives really are very short, like a vapor that quickly vanishes:
"Here today and gone tomorrow."
Q What are we to do in regard to plans according to verse 15?
An = All our plans are to be submitted to the will of the Lord, and we should recognize that He controls the future.
Q Do some people do this in word only and not mean it in their hearts?
An = Yes, a lot of people throw a lot of religious language around. Remember, James is Jesus' brother and Jesus did not like us to just
"throw religious phrases about". Jesus often nailed people publicly, who spouted off such phrases.
>>>> Have someone re-read James 4:16.
Note: James seems to be saying in 4:16 that we should not boast in "our plans" or "our agenda" but in God's agenda. Even
Christians boast in their fine plans (remember James is writing to fellow believers) and such boasting James says is evil. It is dangerous.
Note: James is not going to just correct us in our leaving the Lord out of our plans. James is saying realize that God is really in control,
and leaving God out is arrogance on our part, but James is going to give us positive direction as well. As usual, he is going to give us a way to be
aggressive and active.
>>>> Have someone read James 4:17
Q What does James want us to focus our attention on in this verse?
An = James says not to focus on our future plans but on what we already know God wants us to do. If we obey what we know to do
already then the future will be brighter. A lot of us want to do good things in the future for our church, for our friends, for our families, but we have left
something God wants us to do undone, and James has a word for such inaction. That word is sin!
RQ Are some of us making plans for the church but have not forgiven someone who goes to our church?
RQ Are we planning a great vacation, or anticipating a great career move for ourselves or someone we love, but we have not paid our tithe,
or apologized for lying about someone, or apologized for gossiping. (You could add some of your own examples here.)
Note: James is saying we can get fixated on the future and not have God's blessing because we do not listen to and obey what He has
already told us to do.
Let us stop right now and bow in a word of prayer and ask God to bring to our memory anything He has been saying that
we have been ignoring. If we pray believing, He will speak to us.
IV. The Second Warning: Mis-using Wealth and Oppressing the Laborer. James 5:1-6.
>>>> Have someone read James 5:1-3.
Q James says judgment is coming for what class of people?
An = The wealthy. Notice James says they should "weep and wail because of the coming misery". We often are jealous of what the rich
have and James says the rich are certainly not in a favored position.
Q What is going to happen to their wealth?
An = It will not last and it will cause them judgment.
Q According to James 5:3 what have these people done with their wealth?
An = They had hoarded their wealth in their later years. Sometimes when we are young we do not hoard our wealth but are generous to
those in need, to family, to the work of the Lord, but often we change and start to hoard things. We often do so because we feel we need to "protect our
golden years" but in reality James says such action is walking on quicksand, not solid ground.
>>>> Have someone read James 5:4-6.
Q What offenses are the rich being warned about here?
An = The offenses seem to be three: 1) cheating the workers of fair compensation, of fair wages, 2) becoming involved in
self-indulgence, and 3) in the attempt to hoard wealth condemning and murdering the innocent who were really not a threat to us.
Note: In the NIV translation of James verse four says the cries of the wage earners will rise to the ears of the "Lord Almighty".
Actually, the phrase in Greek (and some other english translations) is "Lord Sabaoth". This phrase goes back to the Old Testament where such a title for
God refers to God as the "Great Warlord", the "Lord of Hosts". This is a war title!
When we allow workers to be cheated then God becomes our enemy. He goes to war against us. God does not favor the rich, He is the Lord
of justice.
Q What is usually found in the wake of the rich who abuse/misuse their wealth?
An = Misery for those on the low income scale. This is so evident in Third World Countries where a few live in mind-boggling luxury
while the masses are in abject poverty. Such living conditions often cause death to those who are forced to live that way so a `master' can over-indulge.
Such conditions are a seeming "black and white" situation. People in `advanced' nations are also abused by those in power, either in the
work place or by a government. Often we think we have a right to luxury when in fact we do not. Luxury is often bought off the backs of others.
Q If we trust in wealth what will happen to us?
An = Our wealth cannot save us eternally. We cannot take it with us when we die and we cannot buy our way into heaven and try and
gain privilege there.
We also cannot live in luxury and then donate a large sum just as we are dying and expect to buy our way into heaven. Some ministers
would like you to think that because they want your donations, but the Lord loves the rich too, and does not want their money but their obedience and
love. He wants them alive in heaven and not on the slippery path to hell thinking that giving a large donation to the church in the end will make things
right. People who only give just before they die, are really saying I will only give when I can no longer use the money. Many rich people could be fooling
themselves. If you are rich, or just a person in the normal earning range, give to the Lord now because you trust in the Lord and love Him. If you hoard it
now, your wealth will not only not save you, it will be the cause of your misery.
You do not need to be very wealthy to be a hoarding type of personality. You also do not need to be very rich to be a "big giver".
The old phrase: "Tis one life, that will soon be passed. Only what's done for Christ will last." When we die we will go where our true
heart was. If it is with Christ, we will go with Him, if it is truly with our wealth, then we will go with that. If we fool ourselves, by saying that we
had family, or business concerns, that necessitated our hoarding then we only fool ourselves. We will certainly not fool God.
Note: What James is saying is not new with him, but just another way of saying what his brother Jesus said: Read Matthew 6:19-21,
25-27, 33.
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for
yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your
heart will be also.... Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life
more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and
yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? ... But seek
first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:19-21, 25-27,33.
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